Hey! It's been awhile and I've been broke-ish? I'm never really broke.. I always save money but I've been behind since I made that fateful decision to go back to college. (Here's hoping I dig myself out of that hole one day ;)) Needless to say, I got BILLS! In a flurry of excitement (or stress, depending on how you look at it) I uploaded some pictures and filled out my profile on Upwork. Upwork is the former Elance website where people with skills can connect to people with projects/ideas. Unfortunately, there is a LOT of CRAP out there but it is much better than when it was Elance. By CRAP I mean, some people expect you to do 10 illustrations for $25, maybe $100, if you're lucky. Or a logo for $25. Considering it could take 20 - 40 hours to do a GOOD logo, that price is pretty ridiculous, but I digress. I also have a goal to make $1000 in freelance money this year. (I thought about keeping that a secret, it's sometimes nice to keep these things private, but then that's probably what you really want to know! If I were reading this I'm sure I would have that question!) I put in probably 20 - 40 proposals in about 3 weeks time before I was able to convince a total stranger that I will not fail them! Wallah! I worked on this mobile game called Rum The Dog. It is a fun pinball-style game and I invite you to give it a try. I created the logo and the Level 2 (Kitchen pack). The game is free but the Level 2 pack is $1.99. Here is a link to it on android and ios. Above is my first go at the "pencil" stage. I used my own kitchen for reference. It helps that I renovated that kitchen from the ground up so I know it like the back of my hand! The left image above is the BEFORE and the right picture is the AFTER. YES! I DID THAT! And I'm DAMN proud of it! (I can't leave my Dad and Mom hanging, THANK YOU for the help :)) Although, I already had the basic layout prepared, I wanted to give my client a few options for color. I really did not know much about the game at this point; my main instructions were to keep it "bright" and "modern" and to keep to the existing style of the Level 1 Living Room pack. Here is the cleaned-up final ink version. I fixed the perspective issue with the reference from the photo I used. The camera tends to add a fish-eye and warp all the straight lines in most images. Above is the living room finished by another artist. (I do not know who, otherwise I would credit them.) My goal was to stick to this style. That was definitely something I was worried about. I am not practiced at being so exact with my colors, lines, shapes and shadows. I am much more attuned to being "loose" and "painterly." Here is the finished Kitchen pack! I think that I was pretty successful at keeping to the original style. I also am happy with the texturing on the countertop and cabinets, as well as the gradients for the appliances. I am still learning this digital workflow but I am beginning to see the rewards with a faster digital workflow. Just to reiterate, I did this all digitally on Photoshop CC. I used Kylebrushes mostly but the cabinets and (I think) the granite I created custom brushes to do that texture. I used the Adobe Capture app on my phone to snap a pic and then make a brush from that picture. It's pretty awesome to be able to do that actually :) Next I had to do the logo. Honestly, I kinda hate doing logos. They are such an up and down roller coaster ride. One minute I think, "yeah, this is ok"; the next minute I've done 5 different variations and I have no idea if any of them are any better. However, the back and forth with the client and the satisfaction from finally solving this problem for them is a great feeling!!! Here is just a small sampling of thumbnail designs I did for this logo. My instructions were to create something simple that uses the ball as the main object in the logo. This was also to be bright. Personally, I liked the one on the left and the middle a bit better than the one on the right. My client did not. Sometimes it's just not what they are looking for and you have to remember not to take it personally. I think we did an awesome job of collaborating and expressing different ideas to each other. Overall, I am really happy with the end product which is below. ![]() I invite you to download the game for your Android or Apple device. It's a very fun game and it can be addicting at times. The game is free. If you want to play the Kitchen level that I worked on that is $1.99. (I don't get any cut of the profits, if that's waht you're thinking ;) but I may be asked to design any further levels if there is enough interest) Feel free to share with your friends! Here is the link to the Google Play Store for your Android device. play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ykidesign.rumthedog Here is the link to the iOS App Store for your Apple device. itunes.apple.com/us/app/rum-the-dog/id1170837396 I think one thing to remember here is that next time I am feeling broke... all I have to do is ask.
Well, ask a lot, and eventually I will receive what I am looking for! :D |
Landon R. WilsonWelcome to my blog. Archives
September 2019