Shape is another important aspect to art. It is easy to talk about and sometimes overlooked. Let's take a look at another artwork from the exhibition somewhere between creation and destruction. [On view at the Joseloff Gallery at UHart until October 26th] It is an exhibition where artists have used cut-paper to create various works of art. ![]() This has a rectangular shape made out of iron. It looks industrial to me. Industrial is ARTspeak for anything that is made out of metal and/or rusty. (See-that's where the bullshitting comes in.) The overall shape reminds me of a house. Take a look at this work-of-art I made. (I use work-of-art very loosely here.) What does Comber remind you of? I would describe the shape below as a very long, sinewy shape. The fact that the artist chose a single color (black) makes the silhouette the focal point of the piece. The back side of the paper is painted in red and green. You can see the red and green light bounce off of the gallery wall which aids in the silhouette effect. Shape is an important aspect of any work-of-art; don't forget to talk about it!
Landon R. WilsonWelcome to my blog. Archives
September 2019